Under the project, BCRM will implement the following activities:
- BCRM will sustain and update a web based information platform refugee-integration.bg with a user-friendly information resource for Municipalities and other relevant actors in Bulgaria on refugee integration. The platform will be maintained in Bulgarian and English.
- BCRM will organize an Advocacy National Forum on integration of BIPs, and to share good practices and developed information resources (Adaptation and Integration of Asylum Seekers: Practical Steps to Expand and Improve Integration Activities in the Centers of the State Agency for Refugees)
- BCRM will develop and publish Quarterly e-Newsletter Information to alert and to sensitize Municipalities on important information on integration of refugees.
- BCRM will organize an advocacy event for Municipalities and regional authorities on refugee integration, and to share good practices of refugee integration at municipal level from EU countries.
- BCRM will publish three issues of the e-Bulletin “The Refugees: Today and Tomorrow” targeting the Bulgarian academia. BCRM will hire experts to develop and edit the Bulletin issues (BCRM will disseminate the publications to members of the academic community, universities, and other relevant stakeholders).
- BCRM will develop a Refugee Integration Manifesto – as a key programme document, as an advocacy tool for refugee integration in Bulgaria.
- BCRM will sustain and update the mapping information system on integration of refugees, including relevant programs, projects, and activities focused or related to refugee integration, including access to rights under the mainstream system, as a sub-domain www.mapping.refugee-integration.bg
- BCRM will sustain and update the database on relevant stakeholders in order to provide a tool for easier access to/ amongst actors in the field of refugee integration (responsible and relevant governmental, regional, municipal, and civil society bodies and structures), as a sub-domain www.database.refugee-integration.bg
- The BCRM will continues to maintain an e-Portal for the members of the Working Group on Integration, as a subdomain www.workinggroup.refugee-integration.bg , and as a co-chair of the WGI, to prepare and publish minutes form the meeting and to coordinate join advocacy efforts.
- The BCRM will continue to maintain the Academic Portal on Forced Displacement and Refugees aimed to extend the knowledge and potential for cooperation of academic stakeholders on topics related to refugee protection and integration, as a subdomain www.academia.refugee-integration.bg
- The BCRM will develop and maintain a Directorate Digital Student Lab for refugee integration related products of students work during practicums, internships, and involvement in relevant projects https://academia.bcrm-bg.org/dsl-2022/
- The BCRM will organise one capacity and coalition building activity on refugee integration for civil society structures at local level from relevant municipalities. (Information session “Integration of refugees from Ukraine on the territory of the Metropolitan Municipality”)
- The BCRM will sustain and update a web site www.refugee.bg for refugee and humanitarian status holders as a user-friendly information resource, available in 7 languages.
Activities in response to the refugee situation from Ukraine:
- BCRM will develop a microsite UKRAINE.refugee.bg with information on temporary protection and integration of refugees from Ukraine in Bulgaria
- BCRM will develop Guidelines on integration for stakeholders on the integration of refugees from Ukraine at the local level in Bulgaria
- BCRM will organize an advocacy event with representatives of local authorities and other interested parties at the level of municipalities (Information session on the reception and integration of refugees from Ukraine on the territory of the municipalities of the Bulgarian Black Sea region)
- BCRM will organize an advocacy event with representatives of the non-governmental sector in support of refugees from Ukraine (The civil sector in support of refugees from Ukraine: challenges, achievements and opportunities)
- BCRM will organize an event to develop the capacity of civil society in support of refugees from Ukraine (Academy for Professional Civil Sector: Management, Financial Sustainability and Advocacy Participation of NGOs)
- BCRM will organize an academic advocacy forum together with Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Forum “Academic Community and the System for Integration and Social Inclusion of Refugees in Bulgaria”)