- Participating in the process of reestablishment and activities of the Working Group on Integration of refugees
Taking the responsibility to be a Co-Chair of the Working Group with all related activities. - Participation in UNHCR research on refugees (age, gender and diversity perspective)
- Develop an Inventory of 32 municipalities that are already and/or can be engaged in the facilitation of integration of refugees on the basis of a list of criteria created jointly with UNHCR
- Organise nine “Reach out” advocacy meetings and dialogues with mayors and other municipal representatives in 7 municipalities, and with 3 municipal associations
- Develop and launch, a web based information platform www.refugee-integration.bg as an information resource on integration of refugees for especially municipalities, and all other relevant actors
- Develop and distribute, a Record of information “Guidelines for integration of refugees in Bulgaria”that is necessary for municipalities to fully understand the implications and challenges of integration of refugees in a format of an eBook
- Develop and distribute, a Collection of Good practices in integration of refugees from other countries in Europe and beyond
Projects 2017
- Organize a National Advocacy event on ”Developing an Effective Mechanism for Integration of REFUGEES in Bulgaria“ for municipalities, local and national authorities, agencies, NGOs, and refugee organizations facilitating a dialogue for cooperation and coordination amongst all relevant stakeholders for integration of refugees
- Starting development of a database on stakeholders on refugee integration for easier access to/amongst actors in the field of refugee integration (responsible and relevant governmental and non-governmental bodies and structures)
- Starting development of a mapping on integration of refugees, including relevant programs, projects, and activities focused or related to refugee integration, including for creation of a supportive environment