On 26 and 27 May, the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants hosted an international partnership meeting on the Go4DiGreen project, aimed for economic integration and empowerment of refugees in the context of the development of the EU’s digital economy. During the meeting, the results of the project were planned, which include the development of an open online training platform and certification scheme, a refugee skills card for entrepreneurship, training materials and digital accessibility materials for refugees. The situation with the refugees from Ukraine and the prospects for their integration were also presented during the meeting. The meeting was attended by partner organizations Blickpunkt Identitaet (Austria), European Qualifications and Certification Association (Austria), Project Phoenix (Cyprus and Belgium), Syrian Youth Assembly (Germany) and technical partner of the project – MGL Video . The project is funded by the Erasmus + program in response to the effects of the СOVID-19 pandemic.
- Learn more about on the project official website: www.go4-green-business.eu