We present to your attention the fifth issue of the Academic Bulletin “Refugees: Today and Tomorrow”.
The fifth issue of the academic bulletin “Refugees: Today and Tomorrow” focuses on the integration of asylum seekers and refugees in Bulgaria. The integration topic is presented, on the one hand, through examples of inclusion of people seeking and granted international protection in the labour market with the expert work of key actors in the field (CATRO Bulgaria and Caritas Sofia), and on the other hand, through the role of municipalities in local integration, based on the two examples of the Sofia districts – Vitosha and Oborishte. Refugees from five families, who found their new home in the town of Svishtov, reveal their personal stories and paths to integration in Bulgaria. Significant and explanatory is the UNHCR expert view on the definition of integration at local level, its application in Bulgaria, as well as the additional examples from other European countries on the direction and opportunities for further work in the field of integration. The issue presents the specifics of university training in the field of pedagogical and social work with refugees. A comparative analysis, based on the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) in 14 countries in the European Union, is also included in the issue. The feature “Countries of Origin” reveals the cultural and religious specificities in Syria. The section “Legal Council” explores the topic of undocumented persons in Bulgaria. The fifth neighbouring country that is reviewed in this issue of the bulletin is the Republic of Northern Macedonia and its current situation on the Balkan route to Western Europe.
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