On September 18, the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants, in partnership with the UNHCR Representation in Bulgaria and Multi Kulti Collective, held a Coalition meeting “Bulgarian Academia in Support to Refugee Integration: Ideas and Initiatives in the New Academic Year”.
The aim of the meeting was to provide space for the identification of specific ideas and initiatives which each of the stakeholders recognizes as applicable for the promotion of student engagement and activism on refugee matters, the diversification of academic studies on the topic, as well as the provision of targeted integration support to refugees.
The event also outlined concrete steps for cooperation between universities and the organizations, whose mission is to support refugees in their efforts to adapt to the Bulgarian society
The event is organized within the implementation of the Project NIEM – National Integration Assessment Mechanism, financed from European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
More information is available on the Bulgarian website of the project: www.niem.refugee-integration.bg and the official website of the project: www.forintegration.eu