On October 21, the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants in partnership with the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR, the Sofia Development Association and the Multi Kulti Collective organised an Information Session with representatives of municipalities and local authorities “Partnership for refugee integration in Bulgaria”. The event was attended by more than 30 representatives of  municipal  districts of Sofia Municipality , including mayors and deputy mayors of districts, as well as non-governmental and international organizations. The main focus of the event was on the integration of refugees in Bulgaria as an opportunity for development in the context of the role of local authorities, and the main goal was to strengthen the partnership, to exchange ideas for next steps and to discuss the pro-activity of municipalities in policy development of integration, and the access to European funding for refugee integration at municipal level. During the event, the Vitosha District and Oborishte District of Sofia Municipality presented their successful experience of refugee integration and partnership with non-governmental organizations. The event is part of the strategic efforts of the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants to strengthen the partnership and enhance the capacity of stakeholders for refugee integration. The event  was organised under the Advocacy for Refugee Integration in Bulgaria project, funded by UNHCR, and the National Integration and Evaluation Mechanism NIEM  project, funded by AMIF of the EC.

