Academic Bulletin “Refugees: Today and Tomorrow” 09/2021
We present to your attention the ninth issue of the Academic Bulletin “Refugees: Today and Tomorrow”, dedicated to the refugee children.
In 2020, 1125 children up to and including the age of 17 applied for international protection in Bulgaria, 46 received refugee status and 156 humanitarian one. Issue 4 of the academic bulletin for 2021 is especially devoted to children and forced migration, and consists of legal analyzes of young lawyers and policy analysts, short articles focusing on unaccompanied children, and a thematic block on the educational and social integration of refugee children. Legislation and practice of immigration detention of children and the challenges about assessing the best interests of the child in providing international protection are two of the legal themes of the issue. We learn about the educational and social integration of children from articles dedicated to the comparison of what it is like to be a pupil in Yemen and Bulgaria, what are the opportunities for integration of refugee children provided by the Lebanese school in the capital and a primary school in a village near Harmanli. An interesting and innovative initiative, which you can read about in the issue, is “Intercultural Gardens as Green Bridges”, that was organized by the Centre for European Refugees, Migration and Ethnic Studies (CERMES) and CARITAS in schools in the town of Harmanli and the region. The issue also presents examples of the educational practices from neighboring Greece.