News and events 2020

Participation in Constituent Assembly of the Association of Teachers of Bulgarian as a Foreign

UNHCR 2019 Global Trends 2019

The new website with information for the rights and obligation of the newly recognized refugees and humanitarian status holders.

Quiz with prizes for the 2020 World Refugee Day

The Academic Bulletin “Refugees: Today and Tomorrow” is featured in the European Website on Integration (EWSI)

Integration of migrants in middle and small cities and in rural areas in Europe, a study of the Committee of the Regions of the European Union

Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants joined the project LIME – Labour Integration for Migrants Employment

Academic bulletin “Refugees: Тoday and Тomorrow”

Call for proposals – Sport as a tool for integration and social inclusion of refugees (2020 edition)

NIEM Summary Report: The European Benchmark for Refugee Integration