News and events 2016

Expert meeting on “Guardianship for Unaccompanied Children Seeking or Granted International Protection in the Republic of Bulgaria”

The Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants, the Asylum Granting Commission to the Vice President of the Republic of Bulgaria and the State Agency for Child Protection are organizing an expert meeting on “Guardianship for Unaccompanied Children Seeking or Granted International Protection in the Republic of Bulgaria” on March 10, 2016 at the Administration of the Presidency, Hall 342, 9.15 – 13.45 h. The meeting is held under a project, funded by UNHCR.

On February 4, 2016 the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants (BCRM) and the UNHCR Representation in Bulgaria signed an agreement for implementation of the “Advocacy for Integration of Refugees in Bulgaria” Project.