The aim is to provide an opportunity to discuss all aspects of the access to the labour market, to bring out the challenges, and to outline the existing and planned activities for expanding the opportunities for access to employment of beneficiaries of international protection in Bulgaria.

Invitations for participation shall be extended to representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Employment Agency, the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria, the Confederation of Labour Podkrepa, the Bulgarian Red Cross, Caritas Bulgaria, the Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria, the Corporate Social Responsibilities – Bulgaria and other stakeholders to support the expansion of access to employment of beneficiaries of international protection.

We have the pleasure to invite Ms. Ulrike Straka of the Embassy of Austria to take part in the Round Table and share the positive initiative of the Embassy to contact the Austrian companies in Bulgaria with an appeal to offer jobs for refugees. Invitations for participation shall also be extended to representatives of other Embassies that can undertake similar activities.